If new contacts are not getting emails, your company will go up in flames!

If potential new customers are filling out an optin form to book services or to just join your email list, not having an immediate email is a recipe for disaster.

But wait, I already have automation built out, then why isn’t it working?

Why aren’t people getting lead magnets?

 Why are customers not getting post-purchase emails?

 Where did I go wrong!!!!

 Marketing automation tech can both be seamless and clunky. In this video, I am going to show you the four areas to check if contacts are not getting an automated follow up.

 I’ll be using ActiveCampagin in this example, but other email software are similar.

In the video below, I am going to show you the 4 areas to fix, and how to fix them


Is the email set to draft? 

If an email is drafted, as shown here, they won’t get it. Sounds simple enough

When drafting an email, you need to go through the entire editor. If you only stop about halfway, you’ll get the ‘draft’ text next to the email name. 

And that won’t allow it to send

Is the ActiveCampaign automation paused?   

If the automation is paused, no one will enter it, meaning no one si going to get those emails. 

Sure, this is a basic one, but there is no shame in checking off the easy stuff. 

Keep in mind, if contacts were supposed to have already entered this automation, you will have to manually re-add them. 

For example, say contacts would have entered this automation after getting a tag, you will have to manually add them in after the automation is live, and ActiveCampagin will not retroactively add them in.

Is The Email Address Misspelled?

Working with clients, I have gotten a fair amount of ‘Dane, This contact opted in and did not get anything. Is there a bug?’

Before jumping to consultations and assuming everything is broken, I simply search for the contact in ActiveCamapgin, like using their name or the email address they claimed to have used. 

Sometimes.. people misspell. .con, gmsil, even a name misspelling is all ti takes. If your emails are published, and the automation is live and working, check to make sure this isn’t a ‘human’ issue.

Is the contact unsubscribed or on the ActiveCampagin Exclusion list? 

 If a customer doesn’t want an email, they will unsubscribe. That’s just a fact of life, unsubscribes happen. 

And it can be annoying.

If a person has unsubscribed from your email list, there is a chance they will not receive any automated emails, unless they resubscribe back to your email list. 

I have worked in client accounts where the number of lists get a bit messy, so accidentally unsubscribing from one list affects receiving other promotional emails. 

Sometimes, you can simply switch them abc to subscribe, and emails will work again, or even just have the customer re-subscribe.

However, if they are on the ‘bad’ Exclusion list, they can not be simple ‘switched’ back to subscribe. 

A contact ends up on the exclusion list in a few ways. They are either manually added, the click ‘unsubscribed all’ in an email, or they report your email as spam.

If they simply unsubscribed all from a recent email, you are able to remove them from the exclusion list

If they have marked your email as spam, Activecamapgin takes this very seriously, if a contact is on the exclusion list, the contact has to email you, stating they want to be removed from the lsit. 

You then have to reach out the AC, and present this written documentation as proof before they can be removed from the exclusion list. 

Want to make sure contacts don’t end up on the exclusion list? 

Write great contacts they they signed up for, regularly clean your list and allow contacts to ‘self-select’ what type of contact they want to hear from you. 

They take their spam serious